God, I love her, I’m so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You never worry if she’s smarter than you, ’cause you know she is. And I willed myself to imagine a world without us and what a worthless world that would be. The title is inspired by Act 1, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, in which the nobleman Cassius says to Brutus: 'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings. They both fall helplessly in love and have the most romantic time, as best as they can through the hardship of terminal illness. The Fault in Our Stars The Fault in Our Stars, published in January 2012, is the sixth novel by author John Green.
The fault in our stars movie quotes skin#
Her eyes were closed, her skin pale, but her hands were still her hands, still warm, and her nails were painted this dark blue black color, and… I just held them. The movie is about a teenage girl called Hazel Grace, suffering from cancer, she meets a boy named Augustus Waters, who has every characteristic a girl can dream of, except he also has cancer. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. She was in the ICU when I snuck in for ten minutes and I just sat with her before I got caught. Quotes tagged as 'the-fault-in-our-stars' Showing 1-30 of 370. And isn’t that more than most of us get? When Hazel was sick, I knew I was dying, but I didn’t wanna say so. Maybe she wasn’t loved widely, but she was loved deeply. She didn’t want a million admirers, she just wanted one. See, the thing is… we all wanna be remembered. She asked me to write one, and I’m trying, but I just… I could use a little flair. I don’t wanna ask you for any favors, but if you have the time – and from what I saw you had plenty – please fix this for me: It’s a eulogy for Hazel. You’re a shitty person, but a good writer.